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Monday, November 29, 2010

N E W Y O R K #1

Last Address from Ira Sachs on Vimeo.

I lived 5 years in NYC, and continued to work there a couple more while living in Norfolk, Virginia.
This short film by director Ira Sachs resonates with me like a keepsake. It shows a muffled, pensive city, a place of absence and lost life. I don't think, creatively, New York ever recovered fully, but all of us who pass thru the city are indelibly affected by its space and light and dark and intimacy, and inspired to become someone else, someone more alive than they've ever been.
Many of the artists and performers mentioned here are hotwired to my brain, part of a downtown scene that has been washed away on the tide.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting, Colin. For more information on the artists honored in the film, go to lastaddress.org
